Friday, September 10, 2010

Week 4 of Personal Finance by Alisha Thompson


                This week of Personal Finance I have learned the importance of money management, and how staying on top of my money will help me out in the long run. Keeping a balnace sheet will keep me on top of my money, and keep me aware of what I owe or what i need to make payments on. During this week I have been under alot of stress mentally and physically. Cheerleading has been the major factor of stress this week i must say. Our coach had been working us like dogs, making sure we do not look a mess, like we did last Saturday at the football game. So with all hard work comes successl; i hope that i will be able to make Varsity, because I am really dedicated to cheerleading. Thanks for reading my blogg.
                                                                                         ~Alisha Marie <3

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